Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I Got the Tattoo!

So I got the was an interesting experience to say the least. lol...I'm happy I did it though. The whole process of me making up my mind to get one and me actually getting one was difficult in it's own way. Although I put on a nonchalant "i don't care" attitude most of the time, a part of me still cares what my family and friends think. But to my surprise most of my loved ones supported me in my decision. For instance, my dad. I waited 30 minutes before I got the tattoo to let him know I was getting it. Let's just say.... I was scared out of mind! lol. My father always reminds me of how proud he is of me, and I was not willing to mess that up. But with persuasion from my mom and out of respect, I let him know. And I was so surprised at how calm he was. It was a good feeling to know that even though I was doing something he didn't agree with, he was willing to support me.

Now...the event of me actually getting the tattoo...IT WASN'T AS BAD AS I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE!!! lol...yes it did hurt but it wasn't painful. I'm proud to say that I did not shed a tear...I didn't even make a face! :) Kudos to me! lol. Plus I had two of my good friends with me so that made it so much better. At first I was so nervous and I considered backing out. But I remembered the meaning of my tattoo and how many arguments and debates I went through over this subject and I just had to go through with it. I think that was part of my pride kicking in lol. In the end I did it for myself and I don't regret my decision at all. Plus my tattoo is OFF THE CHAIN! haha! So here it is people...

Isn't it cute!?! lol. I'm so excited about it. When I think about the meaning, I know that this is something that I will still love years later. So that's all folks!

--> J. Lowe

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