Friday, March 12, 2010

On to another one...

So I know it's been a while...a lot's been going on though. Some good. Some...well not necessarily bad but it hasn't done much in my happiness department lol. I have my anthem song as of right now. If my title didn't give you any clue then I'll just tell...

Another One by Chrisette Michele

I absolutely love this song and Chrisette is one of my favorite artists. Now you may think that this is another typical move on song but for me it speaks to exactly where I am. Very recently I've been trying this relationship with a past friend. It's been hard cause I've wanted this so bad and I was willing to give it another chance. But I've just realized that it's not something I need no matter how much I want it. At some point a girl gets tired of the same old mess and waiting on another person to change. But I decided this's just not worth it. It's not worth the disappointment, anger, and hurt. So... I'M DONE!

LOL! It feels good to just finally REALLY let go cause I know that this time I'm moving on for good and not looking back. At first I was so scared of letting go...wanting to have that person in my life any way I possibly could but now I see that in order for me to really move on I have to let go completely with no strings attached. It may not be how I pictured things would be but in the end it's what's BEST for me.

I told myself I would give it another I wouldn't wonder years later what if??? And you know what? Even though it didn't turn out the way I wanted it too, I've found peace in knowing that I gave it a chance and it just simply did not work. And now I can go on to ANOTHER ONE... and I know that God has something great coming my way!

--> J.Lowe

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