Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I Got the Tattoo!

So I got the was an interesting experience to say the least. lol...I'm happy I did it though. The whole process of me making up my mind to get one and me actually getting one was difficult in it's own way. Although I put on a nonchalant "i don't care" attitude most of the time, a part of me still cares what my family and friends think. But to my surprise most of my loved ones supported me in my decision. For instance, my dad. I waited 30 minutes before I got the tattoo to let him know I was getting it. Let's just say.... I was scared out of mind! lol. My father always reminds me of how proud he is of me, and I was not willing to mess that up. But with persuasion from my mom and out of respect, I let him know. And I was so surprised at how calm he was. It was a good feeling to know that even though I was doing something he didn't agree with, he was willing to support me.

Now...the event of me actually getting the tattoo...IT WASN'T AS BAD AS I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE!!! lol...yes it did hurt but it wasn't painful. I'm proud to say that I did not shed a tear...I didn't even make a face! :) Kudos to me! lol. Plus I had two of my good friends with me so that made it so much better. At first I was so nervous and I considered backing out. But I remembered the meaning of my tattoo and how many arguments and debates I went through over this subject and I just had to go through with it. I think that was part of my pride kicking in lol. In the end I did it for myself and I don't regret my decision at all. Plus my tattoo is OFF THE CHAIN! haha! So here it is people...

Isn't it cute!?! lol. I'm so excited about it. When I think about the meaning, I know that this is something that I will still love years later. So that's all folks!

--> J. Lowe

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tattoos...Good or Bad?

Ok so...I've always wanted a tattoo. Don't know why but it's something that's appealed to me for a while. I like tattoos that have special meanings behind them...something that wasn't a total waste of money. Now as a Christian tattoos are suppose to be this taboo thing, but I don't look at it that way. Of course when I was younger there was no way my parents was gonna let me get a tattoo but now that I'm out on my own I decided that I really do want a tattoo. I figured I'd wait a little while after I got out of the house to make sure that it's something I really want, and surprise's a desire that hasn't gone away. So tonight, I'm going to get it.

Now this is something that I've struggled with. My mom realizes that she can't stop me so she supports me in whatever I decide. On the other hand, I haven't even bothered to tell my dad lol. Then there are those friends who are so adamant about me NOT getting one. I've been shown all kinds of scriptures in the bible and while their arguments are legit I still want this. My only concern is God and I don't feel that this is something that could send me to hell. Now I can't deny that it says in the bible that markings on the body is wrong but that is in the Old Testament and I feel that I can't base my life and decisions on something that was in effect years before Jesus came to earth. Is getting a tattoo wrong??? I don't think so but everyone has his/her own opinion and I'm sticking with mine. I've thought it through and I've prayed about it, and I don't feel like I'm about to committ some great sin. I know this won't make it better for some people but my tattoo will have GREAT meaning to me. So here's the idea...

It won't be exactly like this...but this is what I have in my head. For me this represents trusting God with my heart and knowing that in his hands I can make a beautiful transformation which is what the butterfly represents. Tattoos are different for everyone. This is just my opinion and my desire. I don't think tattoos are good or bad. Either way this is something I want to do.

--> J.Lowe

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Where is the Exception???

I've been dealing with frustration the past couple of weeks...actually it's been longer than that but it's been more apparent lately. It's been a year and half since I've seriously dated someone. It's hard to find someone who I really like and try to establish a relationship with. To be honest most guys just aren't even ready for the kind of relationship I'm looking for. I've been too busy to even try a relationship but the desire for one is always there. And with all the goals and expectations I have, I know that the next relationship I get into will be serious.

I've met so many guys and tried dating a few and I have yet to meet one who holds my interest. So...I keep telling myself that it's just not my time. Even the few guys who I thought I could trust and was willing to take a chance on found a way to ultimately disappoint me. All I want to know is are there any exceptions left? If I could find one guy to prove me wrong and show me that not all guys are the same it would give me some hope. It would let me know that somewhere out there is some great guy waiting to find me.

In the meantime I'm trying to focus on God and dismiss my frustration. If there's anything I know, it's that HE won't disappoint me. It just gives Him more time to mold me into the young woman He wants me to be...

--> J.Lowe

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Packing up, Heading out!

Winter break is over and it's time to head back to the Boro...too bad I haven't started packing yet! lol But seriously...I am sooooo ready to get the spring semester started. Have you noticed that at the beginning of a break you're so eager to get away from school but by the time it's over you and your parents are ready for you to go? Yea, it's bout that time lol...

Why am I so excited to go back???

New Year, New Semester, New Adventures...
It's all about more change for me this year and im more than ready for it. Only downside is the 3 hr long art class I have to take this so not good at drawing :-/'ll be interesting to see how that works out. Maybe I'll be like this super talented artist and I didn't even know it...yea I don't think so! lol But looking forward to this yr. 2009 was good for me despite it's difficulties but im expecting 2010 to be even better. I feel like God's leading me somewhere great. So that's why im so ready to pack up all the old and head out to find something spactacular! :)

---> J.Lowe