Monday, March 15, 2010

This Too Shall Pass I just ended a 5 year friendship and it is one of the HARDEST things I've ever had to do. I thought it would be easier to move on to another one as I said before but I was fooling myself! When some one is embedded so deep in your heart as this person is, it's hard to let go without feeling some kind of pain. So here's the rundown...

Boy meets You know how the story goes...girl likes boy, boy likes girl. It starts off simple and then somewhere along the way it gets complicated. I guess that just happens when you get older. Soon it just became a world of disappointment, hurt and confusion. Although none of it was intentional (at least i think), it still had just as much effect.

A lot of people ask: Why not just be friends? Well we did...we were friends...we were in a relationship...and then we were friends again. And then...we tried again! I say this time it's just too awkward and confusing to go back and try to be friends. So I ended the friendship...

I must say that I experienced a bit of heartbreak. I've always been one of those girls who hates crying and ESPECIALLY over boys, but this was a little more than I bargained for. But as my mom have to let it out so you can move on pass the pain. And even though it hurts now...eventually it will pass with time.

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