Thursday, August 12, 2010

Life is Good!

Life...there are so many words to describe it. Wonderful...Amazing...Complicated...Unfair...Ridiculous.
I could go on and on describing it but the most important that comes to mind for me is that life is a God-given Gift!

Have you ever experienced so much joy bottled up inside of you that you feel like you can burst with it at any moment??? It may not be for any particular grand reason and everything may not necessarily be going right in your life, but you can just feel the joy nestled inside of you. Well that's how I've been feeling lately. Now mind you, it's not based on the cirmcumstances of my life because I've always realized that's where happiness comes from. BUT...because I have found peace about some things in my life it does contribute greatly to my joy. Sometimes it can be simply from me spending cherished time with my family or having gut wrenching laughs with my friends. Mostly, when I sit back and think of the favor God has on my life and realize that I can be worse off than what I am, I can't help but to feel a deep gratitude.

LIFE...How can you not love it? In this phase of my life I can say that life is so confusing and frustrating. But I wouldn't trade mine in for anything because although it hurts sometimes and doesn't go the way I want it to, I learn something from it all. So each phase I move on to in life, I take a little more wisdom with me that helps me get through it. Overall, life is good! And I just wanted to come and spread some joy to others. :)

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